Науковий вісник Полісся: Анонси2018-10-04T21:02:02+03:00Open Journal Systems<p>Founder (publisher): Chernihiv National University of Technology.<br> Certificate of print media (КВ №21188 - 10988 ПР) is granted by State Committee for TV and Radio Broadcasting, Ukraine. The journal is included into the List of Professional Periodicals of Ukraine (Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 747 of 13.07.2015).<br> Year first published: 2015.<br> Frequency: 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December).<br> Languages of articles: Ukrainian, Russian, English.<br> Editing: articles are peer-reviewed.<br> Сost of publishing: 100 UAH per 1 page of the submitted manuscript. The fee for article processing and submission is not charged. <br> Geographic distribution of authors: international.<br> Review: All articles are reviewed by leading experts in the field of economics.<br> Subjects:</p> <p>1. National economy management and economics<br> 2. Regional economics<br> 3. Innovations<br> 4. Labour economics<br> 5. Enterprise management<br> 6. Finance. Banking<br> 7. Management<br> 8. Marketing</p> <p>This publication cannot be reprinted without permission of the publisher, references at citing are obligatory.</p> <p>Urgent problems of present-day economics' development, ownership enterprises operation and development, investment and innovative activity, increasing national economy's competitiveness, regional development are reported.</p> <p>It is intended for scientists, lecturers, postgraduate students, students and practitioners.</p>