Ключові слова:
transformative leadership, universities, university leadership, university rankingsАнотація
Urgency of the research. In modern highly competitive, conditions, an important task for countries of the world is achieving leadership positions, which are themselves instruments of competition. Target setting. For Ukrainian education system, the actual tasks are not only achieving leadership positions by domestic universities on domestic and foreign markets educational services, but also creating universities that are able to do transformative impact on the internal and external environment. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. General issues of leadership were studied in works of F. Bailey, J. Blondel, N. Gazzard, R. Daft, R. Ireland, D. Kats, V. Kremen, F. Selznik, R. Stohdil, Ke De Vrie, H. Owen, V. Hodgeson and others. Issues of transformative leadership in universities were studied in the work of J. Downton, J. Burns, K. Roshe, J. Nel, M. Frost, A. Navid, B. Bass. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Transformative leadership of universities is not studied enough in economic science. The research objective. The subject of the study is providing transformative leadership processes of universities in the global economic environment. The aim of the article is to study the nature and forms of transformative leadership of Ukrainian universities in the global economy. The statement of basic materials. Universities are subjects of transformative impact in nature as they are focused on the creation and dissemination of new knowledge. Modern universities operate and interact in a global competition and the challenges of the knowledge economy, which updates the task of achieving the leadership position in the global market for knowledge services. Leadership is part of a management process and more and more shifts to the sphere of economic analysis at different levels. Leadership of universities is not only a goal but a tool of competition and competitive advantage. Leadership itself is a phenomenon that can have a powerful transforming, transformative impact of leaders on the external and internal environment of the university. Transformative leadership refers to a form of leadership under which the leader of the company changes the internal forces to achieve the goal. Transformative impact is experienced by both leading universities and all university environment for which new vectors and new goals are set, and achieving them is possible only on the basis of new approaches to management. Conclusions. The subject of further development should eeper study of directions and forms of transformative impact of modern universities in internal and external environment.Посилання
Academic Ranking of World Universities Retrieved from :
Arif Naveed Universities must contribute to fighting inequality Retrieved from :
Bass, B. M. (1985), Leadership and Performance, N. Y. Free Press.
Burns, J. M. (1978), Leadership, N. Y, Harper and Row.
Chris Roche What is transformative leadership? Retrieved from :
Heather Nel. University leaders as ‘meaning makers’ Retrieved from: http://www.universityworldnews.-com/article.php?story=20160506114400451.
Mervyn Frost Universities' role in providing ethical leadership Retrieved from : http://www.universityworldnews.-com/article.php?story=20160923111709132.
QS World University Rankings Retrieved from :
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