Ключові слова:
insurance market, system, insurance market security, state regulation of insurance market security, forecasting, programmingАнотація
Urgency of the research. The insurance market security is a necessary condition for the state`s economic growth and an important factor of qualitative changes in Ukraine`s economy, its active integration and interaction with the world economic space. Target setting Ensuring the the insurance market security requires a holistic approach that will facilitate development and implementation of strategic imperative of insurance market security development. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Theoretical and applied aspects of insurance market security ensuring are studied in the works of such scholars as: O. Baranovskyi, O. Derkach, A. Yermoshenko, V. Marhasova, S. Onyshko, N. Tkachenko Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining . Currently there is no strategy to ensure insurance market security and the tool base for its implementation, as a result of which its balanced performance is slowed down. The research objective. The development of scientific views on the formation of insurance market security strategy under modern conditions. The statement of basic materials. The author covered the issues of dialectical interrelation between the components of the strategy and highlighted the importance of the embedded strategy of insurance market security ensuring in the state's strategic course to provide economic security. With the purpose of a detailed presentation of the formation of the insurance market security ensuring strategy, an algorithm is presented for the formation and implementation of insurance market security ensuring strategy. Conclusions. Proposed approaches to the formation of the insurance solution safety ensuring strategy will allow for an informed strategy choice, which is especially important in the context of economic, social and political instability of the insurance market.Посилання
Baranovskyi, O. I. (2014). Filosofiia bezpeky [Philosophy of Security]. Bezpeka finansovykh instytutiv - Security of financial institutions, Kyiv : UBS NBU, Vol. 2 : p. 715, p. 495. [in Ukrainian].
Marhasova, V. H. (2014). Systema zabezpechennia stiikosti natsionalnoi ekonomiky ta yii bezpeky: teoriia, metodolohiia, praktyka upravlinnia [The system of ensuring the stability of the national economy and its security: theory, methodology, management experience]. Chernih. derzh. in-t ekonomiky i upr. - Chernigov State Institute of Economics and Management. Chernighiv : Desna Polighraf, p. 415. [in Ukrainian].
Tkachenko, N. V. (2011). Rol stiikosti rehionalnoi merezhi ta dilovoi reputatsii u zabezpechenni finansovoi bezpeky strakhovoi kompanii [The role of regional network stability and business reputation in ensuring the financial security of an insurance company]. Naukovyi visnyk Lvivskoho natsionalnoho derzhavnoho universytetu vnutrishnikh sprav. Seriia: ekonomichna. – Scientific Bulletin of the Lviv National State University of Internal Affairs. Series: economic, № 1, pp. 155-163 [in Ukrainian].
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