Ключові слова:
consumerism, consumerism functions, public policy, self-regulation, the mechanisms of consumerism, the market economyАнотація
Urgency of the research. In conditions of a globalized economy and the sharp polarization of society there is an urgent need for scientific understanding of problems of formation of domestic consumerism, the formation of value orientation as of citizens to organize the protection of their consumer interests. The activity of such structures in the European consumer area is an important element of enhancement of social capital. Therefore, the research of the peculiarities of the implementation of the functions of consumerism is relevant; meets the demands of the theory and practice of modern economy. Target setting. The inherent features of national economic development are associated with low purchasing power of Ukrainian citizens, a lower awareness of their rights as consumers, a strong tendency towards increasing the violations of these rights, sometimes uncontrollable services, particularly in trade, the exclusive situation of utility companies makes consumerism impossible to function effectively. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Such domestic and foreign scientists as Bremond J., Valeeva R., Hobson J., Gorelov A., Dochynets N. Drucker P., Dudley J., Zheledana A., Kotler F., Kudelia N., Kahal T., Kazakov M., Lipych L. Opryshko V., Pavlova V., Rosenberg L., Hirst J., Shapoval M., Shliyka A. Yazvinska O. etc. have dedicated their works to the studying of consumer protection issues. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Despite the significant scientific achievements in the field of consumer protection, the analysis of recent publications indicates the need to study the mechanism for implementing the functions of consumerism towards activating its main subjects. The research objective. The article aims at structuring the areas of improvement mechanism for implementing the components of the functions of consumerism. The statement of basic materials. In the article the theoretical approaches and practical peculiarities of the mechanism for implementing the functions of consumerism in today's market conditions. The functions of consumerism are grouped and grounded on. The main elements mechanism of realization of the functions of consumerism and its functioning in the market conditions are studied and systematized. The shortcomings of the market economy that require determination of additional funds to implement the functions of consumerism are estimated. The main items affected by the mechanism to implement the functions of consumerism in today's market conditions are determined. Based on the assessment of the best foreign practices the objectives of implementation of the mechanism of functions of consumerism and the necessity of self-organization of business to effectively perform the task are stated. Conclusions. The presence of an effective mechanism for implementing the functions of consumerism that includes the structures of self-entrepreneurship will provide the development of the perfect competitive economy. Only the presence of such an economy enables to exist the class of consumers as a full unit of society. Self regulation is proposed as one of the most promising ways of development of consumer protection. An important factor in implementing the functions of consumerism is the improvement of the regulatory framework, bringing it into line with international law, the formation of well-functioning internal market for goods and services in Ukraine and the improvement of state bodies in this area.Посилання
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