Ключові слова:
economic security, international economic cooperation, economic integration, economic interests, tradesanctions, Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Ukraine and the European Union (DCFTAАнотація
Urgency of the research. The importance of finding perspective directions of bilateral format for interaction between Ukraine and Belarus in the economic sphere stems from the major role of international economic cooperation to maintain and strengthen security in the region in the face of contemporary geopolitical challenges. Target setting. It is reasonable to study the challenges and prospects of economic relations between Belarus and Ukraine through the prism of processes and phenomena occurring within the single economic space of the Eurasian Economic Union and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Ukraine and the European Union. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The issue of development of bilateral economic cooperation between Ukraine and Belarus is the researching subject of authors like H. Maksak, D. Yurchak, B. Uvarov, A. Demedyuk, A. Kolodiychuk, E. Matveev, N. Mikula etc. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The current geopolitical context requires the practicing of a constant scientific search and dialogue for underpinning acceptable to both sides forms of economic cooperation. The research objective. The aim of this article is to justify perspective directions of economic cooperation between Ukraine and Belarus as a factor of regional security for their impact on maintaining and strengthening the regional security. The statement of basic materials. This article presents a general assessment of trends in the economy of Belarus as part of the Eurasian Economic Union for their impact on economic interests of the state and its external economic policy. The role of Belarus in mitigating the impact of Ukrainian-Russian trade sanctions by its performance the functions of transit channel for the products with varying degrees of processing is defined. The context, which is formed by the DCFTA implementation processes for the development of bilateral economic collaboration between Ukraine and Belarus, is identified. Conclusions. Opportunities for external economic manoeuvres of Belarus and Ukraine in the current geopolitical conditions depend on the ability of states to achieve a consensus on key areas of cooperation and compromise between their integration vectors. In future economic cooperation between Ukraine and Belarus should be expanded within the entire Baltic-Black Sea region.Посилання
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