Ключові слова:
public financial control system, subjects, objects, means and methods of control, monitoring systemsАнотація
Urgency of the research. There is a current need in the formation of an effective public financial control system. Target setting. Nowadays a very important and urgent issue raised is the issue of development and creation of a single public financial control system in Ukraine, which if not solved can prevent progressive social and economic development, formation of civil society in Ukraine. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The problems of financial control in all its aspects were investigated both by domestic and foreign scientists, such as О. Baranovskyi, І. Basantsov, V. І.Stefaniuk, S. Shokhin, Т. Yunusova and others. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. However, noted that today there is a number of unresolved problems in this area. First of all - absence science-based concept of DFK system. The research objective. Target setting development of proposals as to formation of the effective public financial control system. The statement of basic materials. In order to carry out a single public financial policy effectively, financial organs of the state power should function as a system, as only a systematic approach allows to make financial control an unalienable part of social and economic life of society, to analyze and take account of all significant factors influencing the economic development of the state, professionally assess and predict the consequences of the decisions made related to the financial and material sphere. The systematic approach to the public financial control provides, in the first place, for the search of the ways of constructional interaction of controlling bodies of different levels, legislative ensuring of their organization and functioning, a single methodology of common activity, creation of a single information space. Conclusions. The efficient system has to provide the effective performance of the public financial control by the three main directions: the formation and the usage of all public funds, regardless of their form – budgetary or any other; the activity of the executive authorities which are vested with the practical realization of financial, budgetary, credit, monetary, tax and exchange policy; attraction and the usage of the legal entities’ and individuals’ funds by the credit and other organizations legally authorized to have that power.Посилання
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