
Ключові слова:

social responsibility, system, economic security, social security, innovative development model


Urgency of the research. At the present time, there is a considerable increase in research in the field of social responsibility of economic entities, which is primarily due to environmental and social problems exacerbation, and as a result, the emergence of new theories and the concretization of the existing ones, which in turn necessitates clarifying the terminology and systematizing the accumulated theoretical base. Target setting. Of particular importance is the social responsibility of business and its implementation principles, as today's factor of creating the image and reducing the social risks of economic activity, acquires in the formation of competitiveness of domestic business entities in the context of addressing such issues as enhancing domestic agrarian production quality to enter foreign markets and gaining leadership positions in domestic markets, in ensuring the socioeconomic development safety of the domestic economy, and the like. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Among the scientists, in whose works the foundations of business social responsibility are laid, it is necessary to note such foreign scientists as: Dzh. Hreison, K. Devis, P. Druker, E. Karnehi, M. Kramer, K. Levin, R. Frimen, V. Khoiier, F. Khaiiek. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The published scientific works do not reflect the peculiarities of social responsibility notion and determining its role in ensuring the strategic development of economic entities, there is a need to form the economic basis for implementing the mechanisms of socially-oriented programs at all levels of institutional management. The research objective. The objective of the study is to determine the essence of social responsibility as a basic element of the system of social and economic security of the enterprise and the state. The statement of basic materials. The article deals with the concept of social responsibility and its role in ensuring the strategic development of economic entities, the need to form the economic basis for implementing the mechanisms of socially-oriented programs at all levels of institutional management is pointed out, the benefits of business entities obtained through the introduction of social responsibility principles are identified, listed aspects of practical nature of socially responsible business implementation in a market economy form a system of effective management and key principles for the implementation of the country's fundamental social policy. Conclusions. The results of scientific research have shown that the innovative basis of perception and activation of responsible socio-economic relations is embodied in the framework of a nationwide program of transition to an innovative development model, which is the only way to enter the world markets and strengthen the country's economy.

Біографії авторів

Borys Yazlyuk, Ternopil National Economic University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Docent, Dean of the faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management, at the Department of Accounting and Economic-Legal Providing of Agroindustrial Business

Sergei Shandruk, Ternopil National Economic University

Doctor of Psychological Science, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Psychology and Social Work

Oksana Huhul, Chernihiv National University of Technology

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of accounting, Taxation and Auditing


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Як цитувати

Yazlyuk, B., Shandruk, S., & Huhul, O. (2017). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF ECONOMIC ENTITIES: ECONOMIC NATURE AND ESSENCE. Науковий вісник Полісся, 1(1(9), 119–127. вилучено із

