Ключові слова:
information security, information systems, external market, competitorsАнотація
Urgency of the research. Large-scale and rapid development of domestic and foreign trade, which is taking place in the context of the deepening of market relations, liberalization and de-monopolization, becomes increasingly based on the principles of competition, both in the domestic market and in foreign ones. Competition intensifies the activity of market actors, stimulates their search for new forms and methods of trade and plays a special role in institutional organization of the circulation of goods and services; it determines the dynamics as well as quantitative and qualitative parameters of trading activities. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Considerable interest in this field is drawn by works of P. Kotler (1998), Y. Poluneev (2006), A. Popov (2001), M. Porter (1998; 2005). B. Supikhanov (2007), R. Fatkhutdinov (2000), H. Horschgen (2000), H. Cherevko (2004), S. Pogodayev (2006), Y. Romanenko (2016). Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. When entering foreign markets, a manufacturer observes great competition, both on the part of local companies and other foreign companies. Accordingly, the manufacturer must know how to achieve the desired result in the market, how his products will be promoted. Businesses that plan to enter new markets need not only detailed information about the market in question, but also a long-term action plan. The research objective. The purpose of writing the article is to provide practical recommendations for improving research on competition of businesses in foreign markets. The statement of basic materials. First of all its necessary to identify the future goals. Although many companies pay enough attention to financial goals, but general analysis of a competitor’s goals usually should cover many other qualitative factors. Among them there are goals formulated in indices of market position, technological leadership, social results, etc. Diagnosis of goals should also extend to various levels of management. The second, most important component of analysis of competitors of studying competitors in external market is identifying ideas of each competitor which are divided into two main categories: • a competitor’s idea of himself; • a competitor’s idea on the industry and other comp anies in it. Each company operates based on certain ideas of the situation in which it is. A competitor’s ideas of his own situation may be correct or incorrect. If they are incorrect, a promising strategic means of action arises. Similarly, each firm operates on the basis of some ideas of its industry and competitors. Conclusions. Thus, implementing integrated infor mation systems for studying competition in external market opens up many new opportunities for the company. It organizes and summarizes data on the object studied and conducts market segmentation, studies product positioning and forecasting demand for products, analyzes the range of goods, analyzes prices in external market.Посилання
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