Ключові слова:
investment project, international technical assistance, project implementation, coordination, monitoringАнотація
Urgency of the research. Ukraine’s European choice opens new prospects for cooperation with the continent’s developed countries, provides opportunities for economic development, and strengthens Ukraine’s positions within the global system of international relations. Nevertheless, the current state of relations between Ukraine and the European Union is an issue that needs to be given serious consideration. Target setting. Recently there has been a decline in economic development in Ukraine. The economic base is the key to raising living standards in the country and implementing democratic reforms. The introduction of political, social, economic reforms requires investments. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Some questions of internal mechanisms effectiveness of Ukraine's cooperation with international financial institutions, the nature of international financial assistance are highlighted in the writings of R. Voytovych, L. Kisterskyi, Yu. Kovbasiuk, O. Kravchun, A. Lozovytskyi, K. Ploskyi. The research objective. The purpose of the article is to analyze implementation of major investment projects funded with the assistance of the international financial institutions, to determine the causes of low utilization of international technical assistance. The statement of basic materials. Analysis of financial revenues from international financial organizations and their use indicates a low degree of the investment process control by the Ukrainian authorities. As of 09.11.2016 in Ukraine about 50 programs for €4.9 billion and $3.1 billion are being implemented by the international financial institutions, there are more than two hundred projects of free international aid for $5.1 billion, 39 projects among them are major. Conclusions. Analysis of international technical assistance volume in recent years indicates that there is no tendency, that means the instability of the process, which in turn indicates a crisis situation.Посилання
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