Ключові слова:
development, problem, agricultural sector, gross output, state funding, labor productivityАнотація
Urgency of the research. The importance of the study
of existing problems, the most significant determining factors
of influence and the main directions of state funding of the
agricultural sector are obvious as agricultural production is a
strategically important sector of national economy of Ukraine.
Target setting. It is reasonable to study foreign experience on the financial state support of agricultural producers,
rural infrastructure etc. in order to adapt to local realities and
assessment of prerequisites for its use in Ukraine.
Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. International experience in public finance and state supporting
of the agricultural sector were investigated by such shcolars
as N. Buha, A. Gordeyev, A. Kalina, A. Nazarkevych,
N. Trusov, Yu Ulianchenko A. Tsvirko and others.
Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Researchers have not worked out the adaptation of foreign
experience of state funding of the agricultural sector concerning food security provision of state agricultural policy.
The research objective. It is necessary to examine existing problems and the current state of the agricultural sector
to develop effective lines of public financing of international
experience and a shortage of financial resources.
The statement of basic materials. The authors classified the main problems of the agricultural sector in arising
levels, solution requires public funding. Analysis of the current state of the agricultural sector and its main factors of
economic growth is done. Foreign experience of state funding as part of the state agrarian policy in comparison with
domestic realities is provided. The results of research can be
used in the development and implementation of state program funding and budget supporting of agricultural production.
Conclusions. The agricultural sector of the national
economy Ukraine has considerable potential development,
but the potential presence does not mean its automatic implementation, and existing problems in the field indicate that
Ukraine needs a clear and prudent agricultural policy involving an effective mechanism and governmental support.
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