Ключові слова:
financial security of the state, European integration, BREXIT, fiscal security, debt securityАнотація
Urgency of the research. Ukraine has made a European choice as the main direction of its state policy, both internal and external, whose ultimate goal should be the full membership in the European Union. However, it is necessary to consider that the access to world markets and formation of an open economy also mean an internal stability of the economy and financial system of the state. Target setting. The financial system of Ukraine in modern conditions is influenced by a number of threats, that are negatively affecting the level of financial security. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Fundamental research focused on problems of financial security of Ukraine, which became the basis for the development of scientific theory of security in the field of public finance, have been done in writings of A. Baranovsky, M. Ermoshenko, V. Muntiyan, A. Sukhorukov. Today a large number of works is devoting to the study of particular aspects and components of the financial security of the state. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The variability of the external environment and recent events in the European Union require in-depth study of the influence of integration processes on the financial security of Ukraine. The research objective. The main aim of the article is to summarize the issues and systematize the ways of providing financial security of Ukraine in conditions of European integration processes. The statement of basic materials. Research conducted by the author showed that the domestic financial system is very vulnerable to external and internal threats. The author has analyzed the dynamics of key macroeconomic indicators and indicators of financial security of the state during 2007-2015. The threats that are most significant for the financial security of the state have been highlighted. The author considered the possible implications of the European skepticism on the financial security of Ukraine, and the directions to increase the level of financial security in the modern world. Conclusions. The government of Ukraine should focus on domestic reforms, the creation of living standards, economics and politics in Ukraine, which are as close as possible to European. Only then it is possible to implement effective mechanisms aimed at neutralizing, minimizing the impact and eliminating the phenomena and factors leading to the creation of external and internal threats to the state's financial security.Посилання
Poyda-Nosyk, N. N. (2016). Finansova bezpeka Ukrayiny v umovakh aktyvizatsiyi yevrointehratsiynykh protsesiv [Financial security of Ukraine in conditions of activation of integration
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Poyda-Nosyk, N. N. (2016). The problems of ensuring Ukraine's financial security in conditions of European integration. Materialy Mizhnarodn. nauk. konf-yi «Vyklyky ta perspektyvy
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October 29, 2013, №1277]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
UK votes to leave the EU (2016). Retrieved from:
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