Ключові слова:
grocery integration, integration relations, production typification, value chain, agrarian sector of economyАнотація
Urgency of the research. One of the strategic concepts of increasing competitiveness of the domestic agrarian sector of the economy is development of the integration relations. In view of globalization character of the modern economic relations, the integration in the agrarian sector of the economy has to be based on grocery chains of value creation at all levels of management. Target setting. The grocery integration is the model of such effective relationship in a global case study. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The scientific works of such scholars as V. Ambrosov, O. Borodina, V. Gusakov, O. Yerankin, M. Zapolskyi, M. Kodenska, D. Krysanov, M. Kropivko, Yu. Lupenko, M. Malik, M. Minenko, P. Sabluk, N. Skopenko, A. Pylypenko and others deal with the problems of effective integration relations’ development in the agrarian sector of the economy and its grocery subcomplexes. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The glossary of grocery integration, the principles of its development, interrelation with production types of agricultural producers, a dichotomy with theories of strategic marketing and management, including value chains are to be defined. The research objective. The goal of the research is to work out the scientific bases of grocery integration’s development in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine. The statement of basic materials. The essence of grocery integration, its place in system of the integration relations in the agrarian sector of the economy is defined more precisely in the article. The interrelation of grocery integration with value chains is shown. It is proved that production typification of agricultural producers is the basis for the grocery integration. Conclusions. The product principle of association of enterprises because of various strategy of integration interaction in most cases realizes the modern paradigm of the integration relations’ development. At the same time the product structure, unlike branch one, provides orientation of integration formations to the end result for the purpose of technologies improvement, systems of the production organization and its management, sale of finished goods, regulation of economic relationship between participants that do them more competitive in the market.Посилання
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