Ключові слова:
mechanism, methods and tools of the government regulation of cooperation, university, businessАнотація
Urgency of the research. The government regulation of cooperation between higher educational institutions and business is important due to the urgent need for the development of the industries that produce new knowledge, technologies, innovations, and where the results of researches are implemented into life, and have a real effect on the economy. Target setting. Thereby, the new ways of realising higher education institutions’ scientific and innovative potential are needed to be researched. Higher education institutions have to be competitive, so they need to be financially independent. Producing and commercialisation of new knowledge is also essential for them. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The analysis of scientific researches indicates the lack of the coherent government regulation mechanism of cooperation between higher education institutions and business. In particular, the mechanism aimed at managing educational results of higher education institutions, and at the development of human and scientific potential was considered in scientific works of S. Dombrovska (2012), L. Karbowska (2012), I. Musienko (2011), N. Steblyuk (2011). Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The influence of scientific and innovative activities of higher educational institutions on innovative development is not investigated. The prospects of cooperation between higher educational institutions and business are not mentioned. The transfer of technology, as well as the possibility of commercialization of researches, is not analyzed. The research objective is to systematize the main components of the government regulation of cooperation between higher educational institutes and business. The statement of basic materials. The article explains the expediency of implementation of the government regulation mechanism of cooperation between higher education institutions and business. The basic principles, objectives and functions in partnership “government – higher educational institution – enterprise” are defined. Methods and tools that have practical value in implementation of the system of the government regulation of higher education and business are mentioned. Conclusions. The implementation of the proposed mechanism will reduce higher education institution’s dependence on state funding, will strengthen their financial stability and competitiveness, will ensure performing of educational, research, innovative functions, and as a result will increase the impact of higher education on innovative development of national economy of Ukraine.Посилання
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