DOI:Ключові слова:
business struggle, competition, economics, lawАнотація
Urgency of the research. The competition in a certain market have a significant impact on its operation and development, so an attempt to generalize various branches’ scientific approaches to understanding of competition nature will be quite interesting. Target setting. In economic and legal sciences there is no unity of concepts concerning understanding of the competence’s nature, so the matter of carrying-out of the comparative economic and legal characteristic of competition is very topical. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Issues considered in this paper have been analyzed in the economic and legal science quite well. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. In economic and legal sciences there is no unity of concepts concerning understanding of competition, so the relevant issue requires complex economic and legal comparative study. The research objective. The article meaningfully representing the comparative economic and legal characteristic of the «competition» concept. The statement of basic materials. In the legal and economic sciences the “competition” concept is considered as a complex economic phenomenon, in particular such as a process of competitiveness among economic entities, as a market state, as particular types of economic relations, as a mechanism of market self-regulation, and so on. Upon the economic and law approaches to the understanding of the competition concept in some degree differ in content, because when economic theory is aimed at identifying and disclosing of economic essence of the competition and patterns of its existence and development, then the law is aimed at consolidation of the economic essence of this category, as well as at ensuring of her protection. Conclusions. The proper comprehension of the “competition” requires consideration of both legal and economic aspects of its understanding, because only such a combination can provide a complex view and achievement of unity of opinion, which contribute to the further development of the theory of understanding of the “competition” concept and will ensure the improvement of its structures and mechanismsПосилання
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