

Ключові слова:

synergy, synergetic approach, “green” economy, principles, solid industrial waste recycling, perspective directions


Urgency of the research. Identification of the “green” economy influence on the stimulation of comprehensive reforms, which are realized at the regional level and established the baseline of sustainable development, is burning issues of modern economic science. Target setting. The most pointed question is a need, an economic and ecological viability of the solid municipal waste (SMW) recycling in Ukraine. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The considerable amount of scientists’ researches is devoted to theoretical, methodical and applied questions of greening regional development, the embodiment of the principles of sustainable regional development and development of the “green” economy. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Generalization and the analysis of the published works brought us to the conclusion that a problem study on a combination of technological, economic and ecological systems remains understudied and can be a basis for further researches. The research objective. The objective of the article is an economic justification of the importance of solid municipal wastes (SMW) recycling and looking for ways to implement these processes at a growing rate in Ukraine, taking into account the developed system of communications between economic and ecological systems on the principles of synergism. The statement of basic materials. The article generalizes the definition of the “green” economy. The principles of “green” economy forming with determination of the complementarity principle are given here. The article summarizes measures connected with safe storage, utilization and recycling of SMW. Strategic priorities in the sphere of “green” economy and the waste management are proved. The strong case for implementation of the synergy of technologies, economy and ecology in the form of a specialized waste management enterprise foundation is made too. Conclusions. The importance of synergetic approach use is proved in a research of economy, ecology and technology interaction. The top-priority goals of “green” economy projects development are determined which are connected with safe storage, utilization and recycling of the solid municipal wastes (SMW).

Біографії авторів

Olena Akymenko, Chernihiv National Technological University

Candidate of Economic Sciences,Docent, Аssociate Рrofessor at the Department of Accounting, Taxation and Audit

Alina Petrovskaya, Chernihiv National University of Technology

Рostgraduate at the Department of Manegement of Innovational Activity and State adminiatration

Mariana Zholobetska, Kyiv Scientific and Research Institute of Forensic Expert Studies

Рostgraduate at the Department of Accounting, Taxation and Audit Chernihiv Branch


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Як цитувати

Akymenko, O., Petrovskaya, A., & Zholobetska, M. (2017). SYNERGETIC APPROACH TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF “GREEN” ECONOMY STRATEGIC PRIORITIES. Науковий вісник Полісся, 2(1(9), 19–23.

