
Ключові слова:

innovation, clustering, network structure, communication, development, competitiveness, production, efficiency, association, mechanism.


Urgency of the research. The article covers the procedure of formation and implementation of organizational and economic mechanism of innovative network structures in engineering complex of Ukraine. The common issues of clustering are characterized. The stages of clustering are provided. The Realities of today are considered, where the objective need is a transition to a new organizational forms of interaction of industrial innovation structures in engineering activities, the most effective of which is the cluster approach. Target setting. It’s indicated that the mechanism of formation and functioning of innovative engineering cluster developed by authors appears due to difficult economic situation in the country. Cluster associations and the role of the Coordinating Council to manage innovative machine-building cluster summary are detailed. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. It is advisable to mention leading scientists in studying clustering in the post-Soviet countries: A. V. Voronov, A. S. Halchynskyi, L. M. Hanushchak, V. I. Zakharchenko, A. A. Myhranyan, M. V. Nikolayev. Especially should be mentioned S. I. Sokolenko, who made a significant contribution to the development of the network structures in Ukraine. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. It’s determined that the implementation of cluster policy promotes the competitiveness of products through the use of synergy members of the cluster. The research objective. Clusters - is one of the levers of the economy development. The mechanism of formation and functioning of these structures will become a beginning of resuscitation of enterprises of Ukraine. The statement of basic materials. The formation and development of clusters is an effective tool for attracting foreign direct investment and foreign economic revitalization integration. Conclusions.The inclusion of local clusters in global value chain can significantly raise the level of national technological base, increase the speed and quality of economic growth by strengthening the international competitiveness of companies that make up the cluster through the acquisition and implementation of new technologies, new equipment; getting businesses access to effective management and expertise; increasing opportunities on highly competitive international market

Біографії авторів

Volodymyr Savchenko, Chernihiv National University of Technology

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of economic theory, Honoured Economist of Ukraine

Serhii Grivko, Chernihiv national University of technology

Applicant at the Department of Economic Theory


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Як цитувати

Savchenko, V., & Grivko, S. (2017). MECHANISM OF FORMATION AND ACTIVITY OF INNOVATION CLUSTER STRUCTURE OF ENGINEERING COMPLEX. Науковий вісник Полісся, 2(1(9), 40–47. вилучено із