DOI:Ключові слова:
autonomy of the university, strategic matrix, optimization, method of game theory, ABC-analysis, universitiesАнотація
Urgency of the research. The importance of expanding university autonomy was and remains one of the priorities of educational policy of Ukraine, the main precondition for universities to integrate Ukraine into the global academic community. Target setting. Reasonable is the development and practical implementation of resource- innovative models of raising autonomy level of higher education institutions to enhance the independence and accountability of the University in decision making of academic freedom, organization of educational process, research, internal management. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Scientific works of world scientists I. Gryshchenko, I. Kalenyuk, M. Gladchenko, A. Bernasconi, M. Brennan, A. Wall, P. McGowan, J. Chrisman, T. Hynes, S. Fraser, D. De Zilwa, K. Debackere, R. Veugelers, D. Dill, P.-K. Wong, Y.-P. Ho, A. Singh consider different aspects of autonomy of higher educational institutions. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Scientists have not worked out questions about enhancing university autonomy by using entrepreneurial approaches to its management. The research objective. Article is aimed at justifying optimization program of the university autonomy through the use of this resources-innovative model. The statement of basic materials. Autonomy acts as a condition of implementing innovative and intellectual potential, promotes the effective implementation of the mission and the vision, objectives and functions. The proposed threedimensional strategic matrix of program optimization of university autonomy by the method of game theory, the use of ABC-analysis as a method of ranking university autonomy program components by various parameters, developed forecast trend of options of autonomy optimization program of the university. Conclusions. The implementation of resource-innovation model as alternative of academic (university) entrepreneurship would allow Ukrainian universities to move to a new type of commercially-oriented business relations on the principles of market economy, develop academic - educational, scientific, design and engineering work.Посилання
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