


Ключові слова:

rational model of motivation, productivity, needs physical existence, socio-economic needs, conditions


Urgency of the research. Of all the factors influencing productivity it is worth looking at the motivation factor due to the fact that the diversification of its sources makes it possible to choose the most appropriate models and management methods, besides it can operate at all levels of management. Target setting. Taking into account worsening of the socio-economic situation in Ukraine, falling purchasing power of citizens, the most promising and the most desirable model for employees among all models of motivation is the rational motivational one. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The significant contribution to develop motivation effect on labour productivity has been made by Anykyeyev [1] A. G. Babenko, T. A. Hare [2], E. P. Kachan, N. V. Semykina [3; 4] D. S. Cinco [5] O. V. Harchishin [6]. The research objective. But some issues concerning the essence of motivation, productivity, their relationship, the state's role in creating conditions for their growth at different levels, diversifying ways to increase productivity through rational part of the motivational factor require clarification and specification. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to research labour productivity and its motivation impact, diversification of ways of growth of the latter by rational component. The statement of basic materials. The measures to introduce rational motivational model that involved key levels of management motivational process: state, entities, personality have been proposed. According to it the conditions directed at the effectiveness of motivational factors at the state level must be created. At the entity level it is possible to use widely the financial incentives, while on the personal level a conscious attitude to their duties can be achieved. Conclusions. To motivate personnel management the state, owners can and must create conditions for high productivity of staff, using all possible levers. A special urgence is given to the problems of coordinating, harmonizing the needs and motivations of employees, the state enterprise in whole, identification and resolution of conflicts arising between the objectives and the needs of workers, businesses and the state.

Біографія автора

Irina Kychko, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Docent, Head of the Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics


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Як цитувати

Kychko, I. (2017). RATIONAL COMPONENT OF MOTIVATIONAL FACTOR OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY GROWH. Науковий вісник Полісся, 2(1(9), 99–102. https://doi.org/10.25140/10.25140/2410-957620171(9)99-102

