

Ключові слова:

motivation, efficiency of labor, social services personnel, material motivation system to attract workers


Urgency of the research. At this stage the Millennium staff is a critical factor. Nowadays the management of many companies facing problems of inefficient use of different resources resulting lower productivity of staff. Target setting. Human Resources organization associated with activation of employees through their impact on motivation. Appointment motivation - to get people to work better, more responsibility for their duties, to make the job harder. Motivation system must be effective and reflect the specific nature of social services. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The research process involved in motivation Yе. N. Abayevа, D. P. Boginia, L. Y. Hanzhurova, O. A. Grishnova, O. I. Ilyash, O. A. Sorokinа, K. D. Gurovа, A. M. Kolot, S. T. Duda. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Development remains poorly understood the motivation of staff for social services. The research objective. The article is to examine the nature of motivation for social services. The objectives of the study are: The economic essence of motivation for social services; Methodical approaches to motivation; explore the relationship between motivation and efficiency of work. The statement of basic materials. Motivation of staff for social services has a specific form of influence. Effectiveness of work - is the result of purposeful activity. Effective work can be considered if there is a maximum results with minimal labor costs. Number of methods of motivation performance of today can be divided into three groups: economic (direct); economic (indirect); non-monetary. There are several requirements for personnel motivation system of social services, namely objectivity; predictability; adequacy. Conclusions. The process of progressive forms of motivation of staff for social services should be limited to systematic planning success motivational activities, study obtained positive results, the development of new methods to achieve high performance through motivation of personnel management and social services. Prospects for further research on the problem believe consideration practical aspects of different methods of motivation of staff Ukrainian social services.

Біографія автора

Nataliia Hryshchenko, Cherkassy educationalscientific institute of SHEE "Banking University"

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the department of Finances and banking


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Як цитувати

Hryshchenko, N. (2017). MOTIVATION FOR EFFECTIVE WORK STAFF SOCIAL SERVICES. Науковий вісник Полісся, 2(1(9), 110–114.

