

Ключові слова:

transparency, corporate reporting, transparency index, corporate social responsibility, sustainability reportin


Urgency of the research. The importance of studying methodical approaches to evaluation of corporate reporting transparency is determined by restoring confidence in the reporting and low transparency of Ukrainian companies due to the low practice of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Target setting. Evaluation of corporate reporting transparency is updated with the spread of non-financial (integrated) reporting on companies’ CSR. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. R. Eccles, D. Phillips, R. Herz, M. Keegan, V. Yevtushenko, O. Berezina, O. Kostyuk have studied the issues of evaluation corporate reporting based on company CSR activity and its transparency. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Pluralistic approach to the evaluation of corporate transparency, accountability, diversity criteria of rating companies on their CSR activities are the main reasons to their study.The research objective. The article aims to conduct comparative analysis of modern approaches to determine the transparency of corporate reporting with regard to sustainability disclosure and CSR. The statement of basic materials. The article proves the expediency of using methods of corporate reporting evaluation as tools for companies’ ranking based on their CSR efforts and the formation of benchmarks in business environment. The author summarizes best approaches in corporate reporting transparency evaluation in the international and national practice. The necessity of increasing transparency in corporate reporting of Ukrainian companies in conditions of CSR practices spreading are grounded. Conclusions. Comparative analysis of foreign and national methodological approaches to evaluating corporate reporting transparency demonstrated the importance of universal, regular and sound companies’ ratings to promote their CSR.

Біографії авторів

Тatiana Vasyl’eva, Sumy State University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Department of Finance, Economy and Management in Educational and Research Oleg Balatskiy Institute

Sergij Leonov, Sumy State University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Finaces, Banking and Insurance

Inna Makarenko, Sumy State University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of accounting and tax in Educational and Sciences Institute of Business Technologies "UABD"


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Як цитувати

Vasyl’eva Т., Leonov, S., & Makarenko, I. (2024). MODERN METHODICAL APPROACHES TO THE EVALUATION OF CORPORATE REPORTING TRANSPARENCY. Науковий вісник Полісся, 2(1(9), 185–190.

