

Ключові слова:

mission, strategic objective, the system objectives, efficienc criteria, indexes of efficiency


Urgency of the research. Changing market environment leads to change forms and methods of control and in need of new approaches to the definition of the mission andgoals of the penal system. Penitentiary department to provide qualitative transformations necessary to define the strategic prospects of development and strive to achieve them. Target setting. Problems of the mission, goals and evaluation of the effectiveness of the penal system as a subsystem of law enforcement agencies, is relevant as the socio-economic development. No single approach to understanding the goals and methods of evaluation of the results of their achievement is a factor that reduces the effectiveness of the management of the penitentiary system. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Problems of improving the management and formation purposes of law enforcement agencies and the penal system in particular, studied in the works of foreign scientists M. Babayev, V.Kvashysa, V. Kedova, N. Christy, V.Terehina, V. Chernyshev and others. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Despite significant theoretical development of the problem, there is no single approach to defining the mission, goals and evaluation of the penal system. The research objective. The article investigates the formation of strategic goals, objectives and system performance criteria of the penal system as a subsystem of the police. The statement of basic materials. Conditions of detention of prisoners in penal institutions, the study of social prisoners and their reintegration quality, leads to the conclusion about the political and economic situation of the state, level of civility and quality of government. In the strategic management of the penitentiary system plays an important role and mission objectives, which allows you to create strategic goals and ways to achieve them and identify system-wide performance criteria. The strategic aim of the penitentiary system is correct and reintegration of prisoners into society. The level of the strategic goal of penal institutions are considered as local performance criteria. Assessment is carried out which indicators: reduction potential criminal prisoners payment institutions to reduce recidivism, the level of public danger of prisoners released from institutions and public enterprises charge penal institutions to the special fund and so on. Conclusions. Described system "mission - wide and local goals - performance criteria" allows a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the penal system and its units as a subsystem of the police

Біографія автора

Oksana Goncharenko, Academy of State Penitentiary Service

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Head of Humanitarian and socio-economic sciences Department


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