
  • Pavel Nikolaevich Biriukov Voronezh State University, Російська Федерація



Ключові слова:

regional economy, industrial park, Voronezh region, management companies, a resident-company of the IP, state support's mechanisms


Urgency of the research. Current world is actively developing IP industrial parks (hereinafter IP). In foreign legal science main types of existing IP’s, are carefully study the themes of organizational and legal framework for the existence of IP.Target setting. Meanwhile, IP’s infrequently became the subject of research in Russian science. Researches are “scrappy”, and affect local aspects of this problem. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Domestic science has no clear picture of IP’s legal regulation at the Federal and regional levels, as well as it is “not in touch” with contemporary problems of IP’s functioning. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Domestic science has no clear picture of IP’s legal regulation at the Federal and regional levels, contemporary problems of functioning of IP. The research objective. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to identify the prerequisites for the creation of IP in a territory characterized by the basic scheme of formation of IP’s in the region and their relationship with direct investments. Among the objectives of the analysis of the legal regulation of IP algorithm of their formation and interaction of regional authorities and IP residents. The statement of basic materials. The article identifies preconditions for the formation of the IP. Among them: a substantial degree of activity of the authorities, the high level of innovation and considerable human resources. Preference turns high-tech industries, energy saving technologies, using environmentally friendly processes. Also enjoy priority in production, which has a high level of added value and the most efficient processing. For example, the Voronezh Oblast examines legal rules governing the formation and operation of PIS. Explores the advantages of placing companies in the IP’s territory. Great attention is paid to the essential conditions of the contracts, concluded for the exercises of investment activities. Explores the mechanisms of State support for companies using this institute on the borderline between economy and law. Characterized by legal grounds for termination of State support for resident companies. Conclusions. As a result of previously mentioned benefits of IP’s creation and manufacturing in the sphere of industrial production, led in the conclusion of the text to the economic nature of IP’s.

Біографія автора

Pavel Nikolaevich Biriukov, Voronezh State University

Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of International and European Law


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Як цитувати

Biriukov, P. N. (2017). ON THE ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL BASIS OF INDUSTRIAL PARKS. Науковий вісник Полісся, 1(2(10), 70–76. https://doi.org/10.25140/10.25140/2410-957620172(10)70-76

