DOI:Ключові слова:
a group of an unstable contingent of people, typological (constitutional) human types, psychological types (personality types), adaptive modelАнотація
Urgency of the research. The problem of the study is that a manager often does not use any additional competencies from psychology for various reasons. Target setting. The study considers the unification of psychological types based on a decade of working experience of the authors, suitable for a manager while dealing with groups of an unstable contingent of people. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. There are a great number of different approaches and schools in psychology at this point– those of Eric Berne [1], S. Bushuyev [2], Hippocrates [3] R. Kaidashev [4], K. Leonhard [5] A. Lichko [6], I. Sechenov [7], S. Freud [8], C. Jung [9], which were used as a basis for formation of an adaptive tool. The research objective. The purpose of the study is to consider and form adaptive approaches to court work in an unstable contingent of people and stabilization of relations between a manager and a group of an unstable contingent of people (GUSCP), a team, and the process itself. The statement of the basic materials. The diversity of approaches in psychology is associated with the multifacetedness of manifestations of the human nature as well as of the human anatomy and physiology. But a manager is more often a practitioner in terms of the basics of psychology and not a theorist. In such cases, a questionnaire or a deep psychological analysis, if possible, can lead to cardinal changes. Such studies and diagnostics require a lot of time and budget. Therefore, typological or constitutional (visual) types of person are the alternative that can serve as an adaptive tool for the manager in situations with unstable contingent of people. Conclusions. Thus, the use of an adaptive model in a group of an unstable contingent of people in court is very important because the functional features of the a judicial body`s activity have their own specifics. Work in the court’s structure requires special personal qualities, and for their determination, it is important that a manager uses psychological methods in selection and formation of approaches to choosing personnel to be appointed to the corresponding position.Посилання
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