DOI:Ключові слова:
shopping malls, anti-crisis strategy, long-term partnershipАнотація
Urgency of the research. The continuing economic crisis in many post-Soviet countries leads to the necessity to analyze and generalize different approaches towards anti-crisis policy. Such an analysis has not yet been made for shopping malls which confirms the urgency of the present research. Target setting. The goal of the present research is to find out main approaches towards formation of anti-crisis strategy of shopping malls in case of their interaction with retailers in Russia. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The analysis of existing publications showed that a study of anti-crisis policy of shopping malls has not yet been made. Researches dedicated to shopping malls did not deal with anti-crisis issues, and publications dedicated to anti-crisis management did not take into account specific features of shopping malls. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. General approaches towards formation of anti-crisis strategies of shopping malls hat not yet been investigated The research objective. The objective of the present research is to analyse anti-crisis actions of shopping malls in Russia and to identify main directions of formation of anti-crisis strategy in case of interaction with retailers. The statement of basic materials. The analysis of the anti-crisis actions of shopping malls demonstrated that they can be divided into two groups. The first group is oriented towards ensuring price affordability of shopping malls services for retailers. The second group transforms the model of cooperation between shopping malls and retailers in order to organize long-term partnership. Conclusions. We recommend to use the approach based on long-term partnership between shopping malls and retailers as a basis for anti-crisis strategy. This approach helps to improve the effectiveness of shopping malls thanks to common interest of retailers and shopping malls.Посилання
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