Ключові слова:
social minima, living wage, minimum wage, household, household income and household expenditure structure, the consumer price index, real wageАнотація
Urgency of the research. Social benefits are crucial in the income structure of households in Ukraine, so investigates the impact of social minima sizes on the development of national economy are urgency. Target setting. The low level of supply of material and spiritual needs of the citizens of Ukraine is the result of ineffective social policy, including catastrophically low levels of social minima. In recent years, the share of total households spending on education, culture and recreation is rapidly falling and the share of food increases. This indicates a negative reformatting the structure of their expenditure on the background of nominal growth in household incomes. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Domestic scholars E. Libanova, I. Prodanova, B. Sizonenko. S. Melnyk, V. Mykytenko, T. Kizyma, A. Kovtun and others studied income and expenditure of households in Ukraine and economic assessment of their levels in recent years. Uninvestigatigated parts of general matters defining. The analysis of sources of household income formation still remains an unresolved and poorly studied problem. The research objective. There were set of the following bjectives: to define the relationship between the level of household expenditure on education, culture and recreation and the level of social minima; to determine the effect of inflation components on the level of social minima in Ukraine; to substantiate a new indicator of household. The statement of basic materials. The dependence of the structure of households welfare in Ukraine from the nominal size and growth of social minima, taking into account inflation have been investigated. The trends in restructuring of households welfare expenditures depending on the size of social minima and the national currency have been established. The percentage of expenditure on education, culture and leisure in the structure of total household expenditure is proposed to be considered as an indicator of households welfare. Conclusions. The survey results give reason to suppose that the nominal growth of social minima is the most effective one in case of sustainable slight advance of social minima growth comparing to inflation growth rate. A significant and prolonged lag of growth rates of these indicators from inflation rates and falling of the national currency is launching the mechanisms of economic stagnation, the banking system crisis.Посилання
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